Naissance de Sadaka Diwali

Vidéo performance créé par Barbara Goguier

Avec des extraits de l’adaptation scénique de recueils de poèmes de Victor Hugo « … Egaré dans les plis de l’obéissance au vent… »



Video performance created by Barbara Goguier on June 12th, 2016.

It’s in the darkness we can percieve our light. This is what inspire me the texts I’ve chosen for this performance. It’s a collection of Poems written by Victor Hugo and contains in an adaptation of L’Œil égaré dans les plis de l’obéissance au vent… published by André Du Bouchet.

It is the starting point of my work which is structured around the self-knowledge. That is the reason why I led a research in isolation throughout 2015. I had my camera for carrying this lonely realization and to dive inside my being.

This is the way I took to release myself from the fear of displeasing and the symbol of a personal and artistic rebirth.

Barbara Goguier